At its very worst, nation state attacks pose a significant threat to public health and it’s essential there is local and global collaboration to ensure data is protected. An ‘epidemic of crime’ was reported last year with almost half of listed churches targeted
This project is a cost-effective way of getting a security camera up and running that you can view over the network and also have it, so […]As you probably know, there are two different versions of the Raspberry Pi Camera. For the best results, you should start from fresh, if possible.We’re still working on more Raspberry Pi camera projects so be sure to come back soon. Achieve new ambitions related to driverless cars
With a view to understanding the key threats and security issues facing places of worship and how best to solve them, we commissioned original research that explored the opinions of the people with the most direct experience: congregations of religious institutions. Featured Companies by Product area '5 Minutes With' Video Interview with Thomas Cook from Hanwha Techwin America'5 Minutes With' Video Interview with Joe Young from G4S'5 Minutes With' Video Interview with Jim Craige from LeonardoIn a multi-faith society, individuals should have the freedom to practice their faith in complete safety. If you run into issues, have feedback, or anything else then feel free to leave a comment on the relevant You can stay up to date by signing up to the There is a ton that you’re able to do with the Pi that isn’t just camera projects. Highly sensitive data
Evolving threats
Rural vs urban working
There are two ways to do that. Topics Topic: (Idée de projet) Camera de surveillance (Read 4567 times) previous topic - next topic. You may also want a camera to capture the event, and relay the video file along with the alert. Corporate espionage is a very real threat to manufacturing at the moment, and as farming becomes more connected, it’s expected this threat will extend as far as the farmyard. There is now a greater likelihood that nursing teams will be given mobile devices that can access and update patient records in real-time, GPs will scale down consultation space in favour of online appointments, and prescriptions will be automatically filled and delivered at the click of a button.