Architectural Intern Esposito + Javet Architectes EPFL FAS SIA. L’immeuble de la FVGLS comprend 114 logement LUP ainsi qu’une salle commune à l’usage des locataires.
S’inspirant du regroupement des deux familles de copropriétaires, le concept d’intervention fonctionne par métissage. Construction d'un immeuble de 4 appartements . Dreier Frenzel Architecture + Communication, Architektur + Kommunikation, Lausanne. Avenue du Rond-Point 18 CH-1006 Lausanne + 41 (0)21 510 12 20 . Architectes : Dreier Frenzel Architecture+Communication. The volume is a large wardrobe that contains three spaces: a small storage space for garden equipment, a kitchen with fireplace and a spacious summer lounge. Situated at the sloping parcel near Geneva, the Pavilion Confignon is a terraced-shaped concrete building composed of three different sized box, which are connected through openings in the interior. Durch seine zentrale Setzung teilt der L-förmige Baukörper das längliche Grundstück in zwei Bereiche. share your thoughts in our comments section below.a diverse digital database that acts as a valuable guide in gaining insight and information about a product directly from the manufacturer, and serves as a rich reference point in developing a project or scheme.its design is based on the archaic shape of a house, where no distinction is made between roof and façade.its design is based on the archaic shape of a house, where no distinction is made between roof and façade.the treehouses can be installed and removed easily, leaving no trace behind, and causing no harm to the trees.the treehouses can be installed and removed easily, leaving no trace behind, and causing no harm to the trees.following an intimate virtual tour of his studio, the architect discussed a range of projects, which draw on a global palette of forms, materials and skills.following an intimate virtual tour of his studio, the architect discussed a range of projects, which draw on a global palette of forms, materials and skills.the 3D-printed two-story house took three weeks to build and it is stronger than a house built with quick building blocks.the 3D-printed two-story house took three weeks to build and it is stronger than a house built with quick building blocks. Thus, the gradient of the slope is transferred to the different levels in the building. Le concept d’intervention développe une interpénétration de cellules individuelle et d’un espace collectif, inspiré du “Wohndiele“ allemand, qui exprime à la fois la notion de passage et de multifonctionnalité.
S’inspirant du regroupement des deux familles de copropriétaires, le concept d’intervention fonctionne par métissage. Recherche Texte Image La Vitrine. Within the outer matrix, the interior layout evokes the «fractal» by giving the rooms an orthogonal geometry. Il désigne dans l’architecture rurale un hall spacieux permettant de se retirer le soir et servant ainsi de salon, de salle à manger, etc. The particularly constraining status of the parcel generates the shape of the building, a right triangle with two truncated corners. Il désigne dans l’architecture rurale un hall spacieux permettant de se retirer le soir et servant ainsi de salon, de salle à manger, etc. @dreierfrenzel . Architecte : G. Dubouloz. Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland. Architecture Communication. This extraction of the circulation zones to the outside of the built volume allows the typology of the apartments to be optimised by grouping the service areas (elevator, bathrooms, kitchen) around a minimal central core. The Garden Shelf by Lausanne-based firm Dreier Frenzel Architecture is a summer pavilion for a family in Geneva, Switzerland. National Contact for the European Architecture Students' Assembly. Architects: Dreier Frenzel Architecture + Communication Location: Confignon, Geneva, Switzerland Photography: Eik Frenzel . 2010-2011 / Champel. @dreierfrenzel . Durch die grossen Öffnungen entsteht ein Dialog zwischen den Lebensbereichen des Aussen- und Innenraumes. 2013-2015 / Presinge . Architecture Communication. Le projet de rénovation et de surélévation d’une maison unifamiliale interprète la notion de collectivité, en imaginant que l’habitat groupé est le mode d’habiter du futur.