Em 2010, Bento XVI deixou em aberto a possibilidade de uma renúncia de seu ministério em um livro escrito com Peter Seewald.
Com 85 anos….Ratzinger, a escolha do arcebispo de Buenos Aires pegou o mundo de surpresa.
The crowd quieted and cleared in a matter of minutes.The two ballots on the morning of the second day failed to result in an election.
The results of the second ballot, according to the anonymous cardinal's diary, were:The results of the third ballot, according to the anonymous cardinal's diary, were:Tens of thousands of people waiting in St Peter's Square reacted with timid applause and then silence a little before noon when smoke of indeterminate color appeared and the lack of bell-ringing indicated that the morning's ballotting was inconclusive.The results of the fourth ballot, according to the anonymous cardinal's diary, were:Given that Ratzinger, Dean of the College, was elected pope, As the voting slips and notes were burnt after that ballot, "All of a sudden, the whole Sistine Chapel was filled with smoke", according to At 15:50 UTC, white smoke rose above the Sistine Chapel.
The bells of St. Peter's pealed at about 16:10 UTC.Some reports said Cardinal Sin had hoped for medical clearance to travel.
For the first several days discussions were conducted largely in Italian, putting some cardinals at a disadvantage. Archbishop Renato Boccardo, the Vatican City Secretary-General, said the Vatican official inside the conclave responsible for activating the bells failed to transfer the keys to the ringing mechanism to the appropriate person at St. Peter's Basilica in a timely fashion. E assim em 19 de abril de 2005 com um dos conclaves mais rapidos da história com 4 votações e duração de apenas 22 horas elegeram Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger como novo papa da Igreja Catolica com 78 anos de idade, tomando posse no dia 24 de abril….seu pontificado e vivenciada nesses sete anos e dez meses: “Sou um simples trabalhador da vinha do Senhor!” (afirmação feita na sua primeira aparição como Papa eleito em 19 de abril de 2005). Una de las pocas veces en las que se cita a Ratzinger tiene relación con el cónclave de 2005… Estimado Stilumcuriali, un nuevo libro de Peter Seewald, una biografía autorizada de Joseph Ratzinger de más de mil páginas será publicado el próximo lunes 4 de mayo.El libro se titula "Ein Leben", "Una vida".
O Colégio de Cardeais anunciou que este conclave começaria na segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2005. Aquests 117 cardenals van ser convocats al conclave que es desenvolupà el 18 i el 19 d'abril. Sommaire 1 Liste des papables But the smoke quickly grew stronger and clearly dark. Le conclave de 2005 qui a élu le successeur de Jean-Paul II s'est réuni du 18 au 19 avril 2005. He died in June.Both Cardinals Daoud and Husar opted to wear the vestments proper to their churches while the third Eastern Catholic cardinal-elector According to Italian newspapers, Ratzinger had reached or exceeded the required 77 votes on the third ballot, but asked for a vote of confirmation in the afternoon.The Apostolic Constitution promulgated by John Paul II mandated that the bells of St. Peter's ring following the election of a new pope to avoid the confusion that ensued at the 1978 conclave when the color of the smoke following the successful election of John Paul II was ambiguous.
Poco se habla en el libro de Benedicto XVI, al que sólo se le cita cinco veces, aunque la casualidad ha querido que el libro se publique en el aniversario del anuncio de su renuncia como pontífice. exibir mais O papa comunicou que sua saúde frágil era a razão de sua renúncia. Após quatro votações, em 19 de Abril de 2005 os cardeais elegeram como Papa Joseph Ratzinger, de 78 anos, que escolheu como nome Bento XVI. exibir mais