People do the best they can. Many animal rescuer expat foreigners living in these locations wait for notification if trucks have been intercepted. You people are not human. Dogs for eating are however, usually, not vaccinated, so they are illegal to transport or to sell. They are the ones who don’t die of disease along the way because they’d been vaccinated by previous loving owners. Butchered carcasses are brought into the event for vendors to sell. They suffocated, died of dehydration, disease and so on, crammed on top of each other. Eat each others flash you deserve that .Must Stop this heartless cruelty, be Human , not Monster , they are not food , they are ower best friens and innocent, beautiful as children.China is supposed to a proud && kind country. Reports of inhumane treatment, including torture, caused celebrities and others to protest against the Festival. Police confirmed that the majority of the dogs were stolen and not allowed for consumption, allowing volunteers to rescue the dogs. I used to think of China as a very Beautiful place for all beings.
Up to 40% of the dogs also carried infectious diseases.Campaigns have had an impact on spreading awareness of the festival around the globe. In searing heat the dogs on trucks have no food or water for approximately five days. This is deliberate to ensure less body waste during the slaughter period.Notice in the main header photograph, taken at last year’s Yulin truck interception, the dog’s front legs were wrenched back behind him and trussed together. C'est officiel, le festival de Yulin a débuté hier, mardi 21 juin. Yulin city cal the event the Lychee Dog Meat Festival a “local folk custom” which means it can continue doing business.To avoid media glare its believed many dogs are slaughtered away from the public areas of Yulin festival.
China’s annual dog eating and lychees festival starts today, June 21. Ultimately it is animal lovers living in these countries whom their own government will be forced to listen to, to enact positive change.Fight Dog Meat will continue to bring you reports from dog and cat meat countries and the wonderful work their rescuers are doing, for their loved animals of all species!Fight Dog Meat is a Registered Charity. Dogs witness their cage mates die around them and they cannot escape the stench of death.Dogs may survive the journey but no dog escapes the mental trauma of their journey. Its the hottest time of the year. To read more about BokNal:Keeping quiet about things does not stop anything! Le festival de la viande de chien de Yulin Le chien a toujours été un plat prisé dans le Sud de la Chine – à tel point que le reste du pays prétend que les habitants de la région mangeraient tout ce qui a quatre pattes. The notorious dog meat festival in Yulin, China has gone ahead this year despite the government’s discouragement. tending unloaded dogs. People’s nerves are frayed and emotions run high. By the time a truck arrives many of the dogs are either dead or in the process of dying. Cage are thrown off the truck from great height, smashing onto the concrete ground. !No Matter how long this cruelty is a Tradition but against any living right …. STOP these perversions!!! STOP these perversions on the animals!!! Pet dogs are either stolen or they have been Yulin is mainly about dog meat and lychees but cats are also slaughtered and eaten.Each year its unknown of trucks will be intercepted by Chinese volunteers. Explore the fun and weird ways our favorite athletes use their limited free time.Our favorite musicians respond to the army of internet trolls commenting on their music videos.Britain takes more drugs than any other country in Europe, so we've made a documentary series about just that.Six days a week, athletes are playing, practicing, or training. This is yet another way the city has found to continue the event despite condemnation.Chinese animal lovers are desperate for animal protection laws but their cries fall on deaf ears of their government. Stop torturom i rzezi. Explore the fun and weird ways our favorite athletes use their limited free time. I hope they will cut you open some day same way. China: Yulin Annual Festival, 2019 China's annual dog eating and lychees festival starts today, June 21. We are pressuring governments by being a voice for these animals.
According to a study done by This Festival is still held every year in China, despite the official statement that selling dog meat as food is against the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China. years now i sign pettitions but i praye to God one day it must stop by the Grace of godDogs are not food.There are more then 80.000 edible plants.Eating meat is unnecessary and bad for the animals and the environment,health etc.This stuff is so appalling I would never want to visit those countries that kill for meatChina, you’re so progressive and forward-looking. China’s lunar calendar runs the summer solstice period for 10 days. Comme chaque année à partir du solstice d’été, des milliers de chiens et de chats vont être tués brutalement pour être consommés dans la ville de Yulin située dans la région autonome de Guangxi, au sud de la Chine. The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival (or Yulin Dog Meat Festival) is an annual celebration held in Yulin, Guangxi, China, during the summer solstice in which festival goers eat dog meat and lychees.The festival began in 2009 and spans about ten days during which thousands of dogs are reportedly consumed. Graphic footage of the event shows hundreds of dogs caged in cramped conditions, raising fears of another contagion, especially since the coronavirus outbreak is believed to have originated from a wet market in China.