L'élu a pointé du doigt "des attaques ignobles mettant en cause [s]a vie privée". Incumbent Mayor Anne Hidalgo appealed for respect for people's private lives, while far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon condemned the attack as "odious". It then alleged that Mr Griveaux had exchanged intimate mobile phone messages with a young woman and sent her a personal video. It then alleged that Mr Griveaux had exchanged intimate mobile phone messages with a young woman and sent her a personal video. Peu après l’éclatement du scandale impliquant Benjamin Griveaux qui a fait réagir les milieux politiques français, le site qui avait mis en ligne la vidéo intime de l’ancien candidat à la mairie de Paris a été désactivé. "Mr Griveaux's lawyer said he would press charges over the publication of the video, which he said violated the right to a private life.Mr Pavlensky, who says he posted the video online, first gained notoriety by nailing his scrotum to Moscow's Red Square in 2013. le 14 février 2020 le 14 février 2020 These are external links and will open in a new windowA sex video has ended French ruling party candidate Benjamin Griveaux's hopes of becoming mayor of Paris.The ex-spokesman for President Emmanuel Macron's government, who was already trailing in the race, was apparently targeted by a Russian protest artist accusing him of hypocrisy. "I don't like people mixing up political life with people's privacy," said MP Alexis Corbière. He fled Russia and sought asylum in France when he was accused by the authorities of a sexual assault that he denied.He served seven months in jail for setting the front door of the FSB intelligence agency on fire in Moscow. Far-right leader Marine Le Pen suggested that for the sake of democracy Mr Griveaux should perhaps not have resigned.Prime Minister Edouard Philippe expressed his support for his former colleague and Interior Minister Christophe Castaner went further, warning that publishing videos without the author's consent was an offence punishable by a significant fine and up to two years in jail.The video appeared on a little known website that featured a profile of Mr Griveaux's political ambitions and his "fanatical faith in family values".
Un site du groupe Prisma Média (G+J Network) - CPPAP : 0215 W 90269
"This torrent of mud has affected me and above all hurt the people I love. Politicians had to be honest and he said he would carry on fighting the "propaganda and puritanism of politicians".French media have traditionally avoided prying into the private lives of people in public life and a number of figures referred distastefully to the "Americanisation" of politics. Lawyer Marie-Anne Soubré told a French talk show she was sick to her stomach that France had got to this point.
à 11h42
This goes too far le 14 février 2020