"No text to date provides for imposing the installation of this device, which is presented as a counting device but which is actually a spy device, since it allows profiling the consumption patterns of households and therefore to sell this information to commercial companies ", he affirms at the microphone of Europe 1. For insurance to compensate, they prepare to attack together How Enedis was able to stem the scourge of metal theft in the North Controversial interest rate decision infuriates French football - legal action already underway: 'Like idiots' Airbus subcontractor opts to reduce social benefits Cascade incidents on the Nantes electricity network since Wednesday evening 3,776 new confirmed cases in France in a single day Macron stated that national operations cannot be stopped At least 2,000 Toulousans against racism and police violence Heikki “Hese” Tolonen, a long-time bus driver in the home industry, has died Eric Dupond-Moretti in a hurry to intervene to grant asylum to Julian Assange in France Student fell from high school roof terrace - died of injuries Lifeless boy was filmed - a person suspected after Eslövselev's death In the video, Basra is spreading activist Reham Yaqoub, and there are local and international calls to hold the perpetrators accountable Mali: who is Assimi Goita, the head of the military junta that overthrew the president? En l'absence de réponse satisfaisante de la part d'Enedis, les avocats ont décidé de lancer une procédure collective. Le nouveau compteur Linky cristallise les tensions et les inquiétudes. It is not the first time that the courts have been seized of this matter. Leaded Dallas to a sequel with his terrible powers and rose to second on the points exchange FSB interrupted the work of five clandestine weapons workshops Mali: junta talks with parties close to IBK, opposition awaits its turn Varma's investment returns plummeted - real estate a small bright spot Suspected mass rape at a popular beach resort - the victim of a 16-year-old girl & Nbsp; According to them, this could lead to the largest action French collective. Pour ce faire, les deux avocats du barreau de Paris s’appuient sur une pétition lancée en novembre 2019 par leur cabinet d’avocat MySmartcab.fr, qui a recueilli plus de 12 300 signatures. Action collective contre Linky Rejoignez les 3.300 participants à l'action collective contre LINKY. Plus de 90% d'économies par rapport au coût d'une action individuelle. Nos avocats ont déjà obtenu une dizaine de condamnations contre Enedis. This Toulousaine opposes, at all costs, the installation of Enedis meters. Justice : une action collective contre les compteurs Linky Le nouveau compteur Linky cristallise les tensions et les inquiétudes. #linky Opening of registrations for the largest collective action launched in France from Tuesday 25/2 (if we manage to debug everything or rather if super @lexprecia still has a sleepless night) https://t.co/wnopnUN20t - christoleguevaques (@ CLeguevaques31) February 24, 2020 Maître Christophe Leguevaques criticizes Enedis for intimidation methods to force people to accept the replacement of their counter and hopes that several complainants will be able to obtain the reinstallation of an old counter, like that of Jacqueline. Ils appellent les opposants à Linky à la rejoindre. >> Find all of Europe 1's editorial newspapers in replay and podcast here Linky meters, which have caused a lot of controversy since their launch in 2015, allow the electricity distributor to limit power or cut electricity remotely. With the members of the collective that she set up, they all started a petition for the EDF subsidiary to respect their choice. Toulouse lawyers launched an online subscription Monday to allow people refusing the installation of Linky meters to initiate a class action against Enedis, the subsidiary of EDF. Watch Queue Queue.

Collective action would allow as many people as possible to go to court with cheaper service. « Nous lançons ce qui pourrait devenirla plus importante action collective française » contre le compteur Linky, ont indiqué Me Christophe Léguevaques et Me Arnaud Durand. A text which collected more than 12,500 signatures, but which remained a dead letter for the company.