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Get the Les Ramoneurs de menhirs Setlist of the concert at Marché aux Bestiaux, Le Cateau-Cambrésis, France on May 8, 2015 and other Les Ramoneurs de menhirs Setlists for free on! Its members include Éric Gorce on the bombardon, Richard Bévillon on the bagpipes, the traditional vannetais singer Gwenaël Kere and Loran, guitarist from the group Bérurier Noir.
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Let us know what you think of the website. 2017-11-26T17:28:09Z Comment by JGHII.
Les Ramoneurs de menhirs is a Breton celtic punk group formed in 2006.
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Comment by fillo:x.
Les Ramoneurs de menhirs (« Els escura-xemeneies de menhirs ») és un grup bretó de punk cèltic, format el 2006.Està format per la parella de "sonneurs" (músics tradicionals bretons): Éric Gorce a la bombarda i Richard Bévillon a la cornamusa, del cantant tradicional Maurice Jouanno i de Loran Katrakasos, guitarrista.Acostumen a tocar tant en fest-noz com en concerts i festivals.
Stream Les Ramoneurs De Menhirs - Bella Ciao by BAT QL from desktop or your mobile device.
Most of their songs are sung in the Breton language
Les Ramoneurs de menhirs is a Breton Celtic punk group formed in 2006.