Cayol, D. Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France Behaviour can be analyzed as the set of certain states of an open dynamic system which a subject presents. Takeda, K. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience, Japan
Braun, C. Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada Lassonde, M. Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada University of Sofia, Bulgaria Convenor: J. The first study took place in kindergarten and found significant improvements in phonological analysis and a trend toward significant effects on a variety of early reading measures. The interviews focused on their decision to remain childfree and the impact that decision had on their lives.
The adolescents matched with Big Brothers were less affected by parental rejection than subjects in the two control groups and they appear to have healthier narcissism than adolescents of single-parent families. Calvo, F. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Espagne We investigated the features of self consciousness of adolescents from ethnic minorities and the Latvian majority, in traditional schools and in a more progressive and democratic lyceum. Les conséquences de l'intervention auprès de la famille ont par rétrocation et réciprocité des effets sur les conduites des parents et des intervenantes en renforçant leurs conduites liées à ces deux principes.
Nous évaluons l'impact d'une formation en évaluation dans des organismes communautaires et bénévoles du Québec. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA & Helmholtz Instituut, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada La langue s'y réfère à l'aide d'expressions nominales et verbales appropriées.
Questionnaire data are presented which are consistent with four main types of bias: namely, sensitive to both positive and negative information, insensitive to both, sensitive to either positive or negative information and insensitive to the other.
Thornton, D. HM Prison Service, London, UK Subjects received prime/target pairs composed of line drawings of objects belonging to four semantic categories.
São Paulo University, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil Desrochers, A. Chang, E.C. Pisterman, S.J. This study investigated the degrees of friendship and the types of conflict between neighbours. Xenikou, A. Two groups of socioeconomically mobile and immobile respondents were selected from scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and upper caste population of Orissa (India). Eid, M. University of Trier, Germany
Nevertheless, conflicts between superficial and structural characteristics can also impede analogical reasoning. The implications of these findings are discussed in view of the development of an instrument valid for all types of sample.
Marcos, H. Université de Paris V, France Three minutes later, one mother left the room, leaving her infant and the other mother-infant dyad. Wilson, K.G.
Disabled demonstrate a lower rate of improvement in task performance. Imagery was rated as less vivid for fathers than for mothers, but the effect was greater for women than for men. University of Western Ontario, London, Canada Maguire, T.O.
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
While the text of the narratives empower women to resist and subvert male monopoly of the business world, the subtext reconstitutes and reaffirms male hegemony and the structure of gender domination by glorifying masculine achievement and failing to deconstruct masculine power. Vitaro, F. University of Montreal, Québec, Canada Loyola University, Chicago, Illiinois, USA