The "skirt" of its pre-evolved form is now gone, revealing its legs, which are now much wider.
Holy crap! if it's a girl you have no choice, you have to evolve it into a Gardevoir.
Gardevoir and Gallade are both powerful Psychic type Pokemon and which one you use is really up to rather you prefer physical or special attackers. save hide report.
Would be pretty cool to have a 100 IV male Gardevoir if that's the case!That's a very good point, hadn't thought of that.
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He won't challenge Machamp.That said, moves may be rebalanced, so it would be fine to keep your Ralts.I have a 98 one with 15 atk, she's level 31. … I've been using her more than I previously thought I would, both as an attacker and defender. Forces people to switch out.Mostly as a machamp+dragon counter, and because it's an awesome pokemon. Seems like a pretty clear wait and see situation to me. Also being a good gym defender is a big plus.I do have a good machamp army, so I wouldn't be using Gallade as a fighter, maybe as a psychic type, depending on the moveset he gets. Now you can finally create the monster you've always wanted to. Personal preference I would say.Turn him into a Gardevoir since you presumably won't be able to get a male Gardevoir starting Gen 4.
That being said I'm saving a good male ralts and a male kirlia for Gallade(s) down the road.I was reluctant to spend dust on my first gardevoir since she was L20, luckily I found a high IV weatherboosted outside in the parking lot. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. While she is a bit frail against neutral threats, having access to Confusion makes sure that as the opponent beats her down they’ll remember her, which is all we can really ask for with the current state of gym defense.”ETA: I would power up the 98% and hold onto the 100% for Gallade. Total beast with confusion/dazzling gleam. In our previous meta, all gyms could be handled with Dragonite and Machamp aside from the occasional Fairy-type hiccup. This thread is archived. Although having a 100IV one is tempting.I have a strong machamp army, so I'm more concerned about Gallades possible psychic moveset. Both Pokémon have roughly the same stats available to them, and they’re going to serve well on your roster. Personally, I would suggest Gallade. Answered. It’s all about finding the right situation for both of these Pokémon. 96 comments. Gardevoir's number in the Sinnoh Pokédex (Platinum only) and the Almia Browser are the same: 159. For Pokemon Platinum Version on the DS, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Which is better Gallade or Gardevoir? Gardevoir exists in a similar defensive niche, but is more of a punch in the gut.
Like many three-stage evolutions, you’ll need to have 125 candies to fully evolve a Ralts into Gardevoir or Gallade. You have Gallade covered and don't need to worry about it.I was lucky enough to catch a level 30 98iV male ralts that is beign kept for Gallade.Holy Milktank! Garevoir is inclined to special attacks, Gallade is to physical.
The … GamePress calls it the “Gen 3 beauty.”“Gardevoir transcends the performance of normal Psychic-type Pokemon and rivals Lugia and even Mewtwo itself for relevancy.Outside of mopping the floor against the most relevant tier 3 solo and the most dangerous Mewtwo moveset, Gardevoir is also a nice addition to gym defense.
I have never seen a Ralts in the wild and only have one from an egg.Gardevoir is good as a gym defender. Gardevoir is a beast!
". If it's a boy, then you can evolve it into either Gallade or Gardevoir. Gallade or Gardevoir? It’s one of the best Pokémon from Gen 3. Gardevoir & Gallade plays two totally different roles. Gallame est l'évolution de Kirlia, pour les spécimens mâles uniquement, lorsqu'il est mis en contact avec une Pierre Aube. it also depends on the stats. I just got a male ralts with 100IVs, now I'm wondering if I should evolve to Gardevoir and max him out, or wait for Gen 4 and evolve him into Gallade. Gardevoir is more of a specialized Pokémon, making it better to use when fighting against specific Raids or Gym battles you can before for ahead of time. Gardevoir's Attack and Special Attack are the reverse of Gallade's. You might not get only a Male, so keep this. In pokemon platinum I am planning to train a ralts for the main game. Unless it's for the Battle Frontier or Wi-Fi, I don't know what to do in regard to those.I went and evolved it to a Gardevoir, with a prettty good move-set too.For Gardevoir I'd recommend teaching Thunderbolt if possible. Gardevoir and Gallade are the only Pokémon capable … I just got a male ralts with 100IVs, now I'm wondering if I should evolve to Gardevoir and max him out, or wait for Gen 4 and evolve him into Gallade. What biome are you in? You’ve already got a great Gardevoir, use it!My personal preference would be to hold off on it. No spoilers … Gallade (Japanese: エルレイド Erureido) is a dual Psychic/Fighting-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. Normal Gallade seems to have around the same defenses, but M-Gallade tends to be more bulkier as it has 95/115 defenses and is a physical attacker.
Personally, I'd go with Espeon or Gardevoir since I can get them early on in the game, but it's up to you. At worst you miss out on a couple of …
Most Gallade live on treetops so as to jump down and fight with enemies or alert civilians.