Merely creating an image of man who from the setup is seen doing something bad, but upon viewing him live appears to be an innocent man suffering without a crime committed. Copyright © Fandango. Christian Bale becomes Trevor Reznik disappearing into the role matching it perfectly both physically and in his portrayal.
Everything relating to Trevor current matter in his apartment, the machine shop, or in his car is in muted, blue-gray tones.
It suggests an appropriate desolation.
Christian Bale's dramatic physical transformation proves not to be the main attraction in this dark, gripping, slow-burn psychological thriller.
Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Theater box office or somewhere else
| Rating: 3/5
Weaving an intelligent, psychological thriller that is both hard to read in development and engaging in its complicated protagonist.
Whoa, Keanu One of my favourite things about this film is that it's filmed so incredibly, the scenes are filmed perfect, there's no Shaking from the camera man, this film is so beautiful thanks to the way it was filmed. Paramount Classics
I can recommend "The Machinist" to anybody who's looking for a movie that keeps you intrigued longer than just during its running time. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.Fandango While visuals do play a factor in understanding Reznik psyche, it's not on the same level as the spoken words. Because of it, the word can be guessed correctly or make a guess that comes close to it, but doesn't detract from its story. We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Regal One can't deny the dubious appeal of the spectacle of the skin-and-bone Bale, quite possibly endangering his health for the sake of his art. Rank Christian Bale’s 10 Best Movies
His physical appearance becomes a part of the character not so much the sole characteristic of the character or Bale performance.
Much like Aspergers, Insomnia is highly favored in its usage to add flair to a story that in a direct narrative wouldn't have worked. |
The director We get up in the morning in possession of certain assumptions through which all of our experiences must filter. I give "The Machinist" an 8/10.
Instead it adds a dimension that's worth examining. His boss asks for a urine sample. The plot "The Machinist" is amazing, it's so exciting through out the movie, another thing that makes this movie better is it be so unpredictable. The film's widest release was 72 theatres and it grossed $1,082,715 in North America and $7,120,520 in other countries for a total of $8,203,235. The Machinist is a steadily paced psychological thriller driven by one character and actor.
There's a guy like him in every union shop, a guy who knows all the rules and works according to them and is a pain in the ass about them. To say there's nothing subtle about his performance is understatement, but rather fits the role just fine.
If this plot device was to be removed it would have taken away from the writing.
"Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. They do a solid job even if they don't leave a big impression. | Others may lead us, as they lead Trevor, into a bleak solitude. Some assumptions are necessary to make life bearable, such as the assumption that we will not die in the next 10 minutes. "I haven't slept in a year," he tells Marie.Trevor works as a machinist.
R (for violence, and disturbing images, sexuality and language) A brilliant, harrowing performance by Bale. October 24, 2011
All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer There's a guy like him in every union shop, a guy who knows all the rules and works according to them and is a pain in the ass about them. Although the film abounds in Hitchcock references, Anderson, screenwriter Scott Kosar, and Bale fail to assimilate the master's most important lesson: that the film's weirdo should be its most sympathetic and likable character. "The Machinist" has superb acting there is no overselling performances or weak every actor/actress in this film is …
Tout au long du film on se pose beaucoup de questions. |
It's one of those movies that you admire more than you enjoy, but Anderson and Kosar are clearly talents to watch. Bale portrays he can fit into society, and shows various traits of an unstable mind with his obsession that turns into rage. He starts to find strange notes in his apartment and see people that apparently aren't there.