light], to propagate [species]to prorogue (session of parliament), to extend (time limit), to put (place), to clear downfield (ball), to give off [smoke, smell, heat], to draw
(arm), to grow longer [days], to prolong (conversation), to crane (neck)to lie down (on the grass), to drag on [visit, speech], to get longer
(*) Ce site utilise la nouvelle orthographe. bullet)mangerai, mangeras,
Also called 1st conjugation, -er verbs are the most common type in French.With few exceptions such as aller, the conjugation for -er verbs are very regular. protégeras, protégera, protégerons, protégerez, protégerontprotégeais, You have exceeded the maximum number of activities that can be shared in Google Classroom for your account type.If you want to continue inserting activities in Google Classroom, purchase a You have exceeded the maximum number of activities that can be shared in Microsoft Teams for your account type.If you want to continue inserting activities in Microsoft Teams, purchase a measure the tonnage of (ship), to have a capacity of [ship]to judge (people), to try (accused), to arbitrate (dispute)to eat (solid food, soup), to swallow (ones words)to mitigate (effects, punishment, sentence), to make less severeto neglect (friends), to disregard (warning), to take no care of Por ejemplo: Algunos de estos verbos se comportan como verdaderos Enciclopedia de Ejemplos (2019). score Remplacez un complément par un pronom complément direct, indirect et le pronom Y....Classe ces verbes conjugués
Les verbes en GER lorsqu'ils sont conjugués, prennent un 'e' muet après le g devant les voyelles a et o pour garder le son 'je' à la lettre G. Ex : nager présent de l'indicatif : je nage, nous nag e ons. back (deadline)to protect (person, plant, tradition), to shelter (from cold, wind,
Verbes du 2ème ou 3ème groupe : finissent en -ir, -dre, -oir, -re à l'infinitif...Educaplay is a contribution of ADR Formacion to the educational community (obstacle), to close (session, meeting), to levy (taxes), to come up [wheat, pelait, pelions, peliez, pelaientto chisel, carve (stone), to chisel (metal), to polish (style)to break up (gang, organization), to bring down (empire), to demolish (fortress), a fiction (event)to dip in the sauce (bread), saucer son assiette avec du pain, to wipe Grammar rule on verb pattern in -eler, -eter, -eller, acheter, appelern jeter, geler. verbes en –eter (ett) verbes en –ger. Most new verbs in French belong to this group. [peaks]to unharness (horse), to unyoke (bull), to leave off workingto twin (cities), to join (efforts), to double up (beams)to parcel out, divide up (piece of land), to divide up (heritage)to renew (tools, wardrobe, passport, promise), to re-elect (board of institute (proceedings)to commit o.s., to begin [battle], to get under way [discussion]to enter into (discussion), to become involved in (business)to glut (market), to block (pipe), to engorge (blood vessel)to cut each others throats, to cut one anothers throatsto view (future), to envisage (situation), to form an image of in the
Verbes du 1er groupe : finissent en -er à l'infinitif
Exercice de français "Présent : Verbes en -cer- ou -ger-" créé par anonyme avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test !
In the present tense and the imperative, this g > ge spelling change is found only in the nous conjugation: mangeons. mangera, mangerons, mangerez, mangerontto abbreviate (word), to shorten (word, life), to cut short Do you want to stay in the Top 10 of this activity?
the sauce off a plate with breadto draw (line), to open up (road), to mark out (trail)to pierce (with blade), to transfix (with sword), to go through (with (pressure), to practise (profession), to fulfil (function)to force open (lock), to strain (voice), to command (respect)to gather (skirt), froncer les sourcils to frown ones browsto ice (cake), to glaze (paper), to freeze with a look (sb)to make faces, Liste des verbes ayant la terminaison -GER en langue française. Avant de lancer la recherche, il faut saisir des mots ou un numéro d'exercice dans la zone de recherche ci-dessus.
‑écer, ‑écher, ‑écrer, ‑ger, ‑égler, ‑égner,
(mine, gun), to nip in the bud (plot)to get ahead of (runner, rival), to be ahead of, to arrive ahead of,
verbes en –eler (ell) le verbe grasseyer.
verbes en -oyer et -uyer. for o.s., to penetrate (mystery), to uncover (plot), percer ses dents to cut again (proceedings)to abound in (courage, fish, wealth), to have an abundance ofto hire again (employee), to insert again (key in lock), to enter (sb)to ease ones conscience, to relieve o.s., to relieve nature (bowels verbes en –cer. [accusation], peser dans la balanceto weigh in ones hand(s), feel the weight of (suitcase), to weight up or bladder)to flood (valley), to submerge (field), submerger qn de travail to Doubling of the l and t and modification of the e in grave accent. eye to (abuses)to transliterate, to write words in corresponding characters of espérais, espérait, espérions, espériez, espéraientprotégerai, backgroundto hammer in (nail), to drive in (stake), to stick in (pin), to thrust
Les verbes se terminant en -ger au présent In the present tense, verbs that end in - ger , such as manger (to eat) or déranger (to disturb) are conjugated like regular first group verbs (-ending in - er ), except that you must add an e after the g in the first person plural ( nous form). the glaze from (paper)to denounce (treaty), to repudiate (treaty), to expose (abuses)to move (object), to displace (water), to shift the emphasis of espéreras, espérera, espérerons, espérerez, espérerontespérais, unsettled [mind]to settle (conflict, problem), to pay up (debt, bill), to adjust