""It's not different and that's my point," Yang says calmly, "what I did was reckless," Blake, then, looks away, not exactly sure how to feel, "hey, look at me." And it's not like it surprises her, considering she literally carried Blake home after fighting her biggest fear, so she touches Yang's shoulder to let her know she's awake.
I hope we can have a chance to talk a bit before you have to leave. something flashes in Yang's eyes, something that seemed too much like resentment, but it's gone before Blake has the chance to make sense of it, "I'll have someone retrieve Ms. Schnee so you both can spend the night here before you have to go. UGH! But she can't control the blush painting her features when she asks, "can I hug you again?" That wasn't one of them. She was scared out of her mind when she left Vale – after making sure a certain blonde had woken up in that tiny and empty room in Vale's hospital – and she still doesn't understand why.

And it landed on her with her aura broken, arm cut and unconscious.

You could have chosen Pyrrha even though she so clearly chose Jaune, but still, you chose me. !I know, right?? She's absolutely wonderful. That's awesome! We have friends who need our help and even if it's all for nothing, I'd rather die trying than not making everything I can to make a difference.""Yes.

Heck. That's all I meant when I said it was reckless. And she came very close to give up on them as well.Yang takes a deep breath, almost as if she's shaking herself from the feelings that have taken over their conversation and once again sits sideways on the couch, her body facing Blake when she too sits again.Blake sighs exasperatedly, "believe me, it wasn't my choice. "Hey, it's alright," she says, her voice rough with sleep and she has to clear her throat before trying again, "put me down, please. "I'm not sure, to be honest. No doubt about it. "If I know him as much as I believe I do, I'd say he's probably somewhere safe getting ready to leave as soon as he can. "I know."

You don't have to keep it on because you're worried it'll freak me out. You're stronger than you think you are. What matters to me is you being comfortable around me. "You don't need to show me you're there for me. You really didn't have to. I was scared he was going to hurt you even more than he'd already done and I exploded.

And although I would very much enjoy hunting him down myself, I think that would cause much more trouble than anything, considering what happened in Vale and how things are in Remnant right now. And you don't wanna see that because seeing it would mean he manipulated you and you can't stand the idea of not being in control of your own feelings, but get it in your head because I won't keep on repeating myself over and over again: it. It worked perfectly!

Trying to protect me forgetting about yourself in the process.

he sighs tiredly before finishing, "this next council meeting will be a huge pain in my ass. But I'm glad that you clarified your position.
The medics did a pretty good job on it. For respecting her decisions and her time. Yeah, I agree that in the sense of not caring what happens to her, she was reckless in trying to save Blake. But Blake know better, so she saw right through the mask Yang had put on. But I'm your partner and I'm here for you. And then, much lower, "that's hard to get out of. He didn't know her, no matter how much he thought he did when he saw that something in Blake's eyes when she looked at her partner.Yang held herself tall and proud.

"Yang chuckles and, yeah, she's pretty warm. He's deciding whether or not to trust her. He's a great leader and a very wise man. I really don't know why no one has ever made something like that. And I know you hate me right now, bu–""I don't hate you!" He was tired, he couldn't keep up. "And if Yang says anything after that, she was too busy being asleep to hear it.The booming sound of her father's voice is what wakes her."Blake?!

Even if Kali ships blacksun, she's still so fucking great!Dude! "So you're just gonna give up?" "But the point is," she continues with another sigh "I didn't think before acting. Thank you for both reading and commenting. Physically, emotionally, psychologically, just completely exhausted, so no one can judge her for the sound she makes when she feels Yang's mechanical fingers scratching behind her cat ears.