Zum Beispiel von einem Schalter, Taster oder einer anderen Signal-ausgebenden Schaltung. Setting the output value of GPIO 7 is similarly easy:Using other control registers, it's possible to enable pull-up and pull-down resistors, turn on special pin functions like SPI, and change the output drive strength.Watch out for out-of-order memory accesses!
Some are only available in Chinese or German. And you can connect a standard keyboard, mouse, and monitor, and use it as a normal computer.But the Pi operating system is also a huge weakness in many applications. I haven’t yet tried writing any code using these methods, so take my impressions accordingly.If any of the authors of these C libraries happen to read this – thank you for your work, and please don’t be offended by any criticisms I may make.
Typical Pi projects use the hardware as a very small desktop PC (Why would you want to use a Raspberry Pi instead of an Arduino or other microcontroller (STM32, ATSAM, PIC, Propeller)? A handy reference can be accessed on the Raspberry Pi by opening a terminal window and running the command pinout.
Every other datasheet I’ve ever read was a very professional document, but this one is full of grammar errors like “each bank has its’ own interrupt line” and “it is theoretical possible”, as well as chatty side-comments like “Not a good idea!” I could understand if the grammar issues were English translations problems, but Broadcom is a US company, and the datasheet reads a bit like a hastily-written college term paper.As for datasheets that are only available in other languages, I’ve found that Google Translate does a surprisingly good job translating technical datasheets from Chinese.
I haven’t yet tried writing any code using these methods, so take my impressions accordingly.If any of the authors of these C libraries happen to read this – thank you for your work, and please don’t be offended by any criticisms I may make. Bar might actually get loaded from memory before Foo, but that doesn’t really matter. 8:18 pm
Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users and developers of hardware and software for Raspberry Pi. The latest Pi 3 Model B+ has an 88x faster CPU clock and 500,000x more RAM than the Uno. It also includes dozens of pinouts for Raspberry Pi add-on boards, HATs and pHATs.
See the following guides to get started:
Ein exaktes This requires special precautions and the use of memory barrier instructions.
val July 16th, 2019
The GPIO memory is not cached (at least not for reads). The Raspberry Pi’s 40-pin GPIO connector often gets overlooked.
May 27th, 2018
About your first example of memory access order (“Watch out for out-of-order memory accesses!”): Are you sure that the contents of a_status and b_status can be swapped?
For more details on the advanced capabilities of the GPIO pins see gadgetoid's interactive pinout diagram.
Very useful.Hey, nice review.
i2c, as long as there is a device driver for your gpio chip it works aut of the box.Thank you for this excellent article. Programming in such an environment seems like it would be virtually impossible, without having to surround every single statement with a memory barrier.If you really need speed and access to memory mapped IO registers you should probably just build an upper portion of your application into a kernel module.linux/miscdevice.h makes it easy to get one or more character devices in /devBreaking the whole permission system to give a user space process access to all of memory kinda voids the whole idea of having an OS or security of any sort.Last sentence at the end of the 7. page of the Broadcom datasheet:That means to me that the case should be something like reading a sensor both by GPIO and USB. Ich habe mich für … The potential for out-of-order reads getting assigned to the wrong registers is real (the a_status and b_status example above), but exists only when reading from two My mental model (which could be totally wrong) is that each peripheral maintains a FIFO of read requests and write requests from the ARM core, and the FIFO entries are always handled in order.
None of these libraries seem to work since the programs return with errors from initializing functions@Petros all of the libraries described above are specifically tailored to use the raspberry pi hardware. Thanks to asdf and John May as well. Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to be a common practice, and there’s not much information available about how to do it. **
6:59 am
So the Pi is probably best for those applications where you need some major CPU horsepower If you start Googling for “Raspberry Pi GPIO programming”, you’ll quickly discover that most of the examples use the Python language.
5:25 am
1:27 pm
Petros August 20th, 2020
John May 29th, 2018
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Typical Pi projects use the hardware as a very small desktop PC (Why would you want to use a Raspberry Pi instead of an Arduino or other microcontroller (STM32, ATSAM, PIC, Propeller)? No matter if you use gpio pins of the bcm2385 or another gpio controller wired to the pi via e.g.
Um für den Zgriff auf die GPIO des Raspberry Pi die Programmiersprache C zu benutzen, empfiehlt es sich eine entsprechende Bibliothek zu verwenden, um nicht das Rad neu zu erfinden. asdf May 28th, 2018
The potential for out-of-order reads getting assigned to the wrong registers is real (the a_status and b_status example above), but exists only when reading from two My mental model (which could be totally wrong) is that each peripheral maintains a FIFO of read requests and write requests from the ARM core, and the FIFO entries are always handled in order. Thanks to asdf and John May as well.
I agree it seems very strange.Haven’t run across the swap problem as my projects tend to be small. it is available from Raspbian Linux or you can build it from source.