Nazanin Tabatabaee/WANA (West … “I’ve heard some pretty strong language from Paris particularly when it comes to ballistic missiles, and when it comes to Iran’s regional behaviour,” Michael Pregent, a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington DC, told FRANCE 24’s The Debate.“So I think Macron’s position on the Iran deal is actually shoring up Trump’s,” Pregent continued.Nevertheless, recent French media reports suggest Macron might once again be considering travelling to meet Rouhani and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.“Individually he is probably the best placed to be the E3 leader,” said Vakil, referring to the E3 group of European powers which comprises France, Germany and Britain.“Everyone is talking to each other,” the European diplomat told AFP on condition of anonymity.Macron relishes the world stage, but his efforts at mediating in the Middle East have led to mixed results.He successfully intervened in November 2017 to free Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri after he was detained by Saudi authorities during a trip to the country.But his efforts in create a solution to the crisis in war-torn Libya have yet to yield fruit and he has made enemies in Italy, the former colonial power in Libya, as well as in the UN-recognised government in Tripoli.Past efforts at lobbying Trump to respect the nuclear deal, particularly during a state visit to Washington in April 2018, came to naught.Experts say that for the moment Iran is not close to enriching uranium to levels that could be used for a weapon, which would spark a regional arms race and acute security fears in Israel.But it is considered by the European powers to be in breach of its commitments.The country’s atomic energy organisation announced on Monday that it had surpassed a cap on the level to which it can enrich uranium, reaching 4.5 percent, above the 3.67 percent limit stipulated in the deal.It has also exceeded limits on its stockpile of enriched uranium set in the 2015 accord signed by the US, Iran, Russia, China, Britain, Germany, France and the EU.European nations are seen as wanting to avoid triggering a dispute mechanism in the text which could lead to sanctions being reimposed.Such a move would heighten tensions, while the threat of fresh sanctions remains one of few levers available to the Europeans as they seek to convince Iran to respect the deal.“But the road they are taking [by enriching further] could force us to take a road we don’t want to take,” another French diplomat told AFP on condition of anonymity. Emmanuel Bonne will be in Iran on Tuesday and Wednesday "to piece together a de-escalation (strategy), with the actions which need to be taken immediately before July 15," the statement said. Emmanuel Bonne met Rear-Admiral Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, on Wednesday, two days after Tehran announced it … Sanctions will soon be increased, substantially!But Tehran says it has lost patience with perceived inaction by European countries more than a year after Trump unilaterally pulled the US out of the agreement and started to impose punishing sanctions.In his meeting with Bonne, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said Tehran had "completely kept the path of diplomacy and talks open", according to a statement from his office.He called on other parties to the deal to "completely implement their commitments" to keep it alive.Bonne also met Rear-Admiral Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his deputy Abbas Araghchi.His mission was "to try and open the discussion space to avoid an uncontrolled escalation, or even an accident", according to French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.Before meeting with Bonne, Zarif said "negotiations are never possible under pressure", in reference to US sanctions against Iran.Pointing to the US withdrawal from the JCPOA, he added that the Europeans "must solve that problem. Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Emmanuel Macron'un Danışmanı Emmanuel Bonne, bugün Tahran'a gelerek İran Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi Sekreteri Ali Şamşani ile görüştü. Emmanuel Bonne met Rear-Admiral Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, and was set to meet with Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif later on Wednesday. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.French Envoy In Iran Talks As Donald Trump Threatens To Up SanctionsDonald Trump Says Will Try "Snapback" To Force Return Of UN Iran SanctionsUS Sanctions 5 Iranian Ship Captains Over Venezuela Oil DeliveryWas Great Opportunity For US To Apologise, Lift Sanctions: Iran President But tensions over the nuclear issue and Iran’s involvement in the wars in Syria and Yemen meant he never accepted an invitation to visit.Iran’s alleged role in a plot to bomb a meeting of opposition activists at a political meeting near Paris in June killed off any possibility, diplomats say.That’s while France maintains a tough stance on many of Iran’s actions in the Middle East.