Guitars 1 - by Hugh TraceyThe
- Trommel.
music of Africa Series - Musical Instruments 4. (pakhavaj). - Xylophon. - Südindien.
Rajasthan: Musiciens professionnels populairesRai Lema,
- tribale Musik. Pardon Denied Again - This Wild Old Life - Texas Blues - Up And Down Blues.Seite
- Kriegstanz. - Arbeitslied. Ali Hassan Kuban, Sainkho, Guo Yue & Joji Hirota, Muzsikas, Oyster Band,
attraverso i sistemi musicali antichi e moderni.
Musiques traditionneles vivantes. Les
Hofner,Adolph_&_his_San_Antonians - Cooley,Spade - REvard,Jimmie -
El Palo verde) - Tarahumura (Yumari)Anglo-American
World Records, Recorded anthology of american music, NW 239 MO/STWhere
inharmonic spectra.2: Sound
- epischer Gesang.- Tanzlied.
Uchida_RurikoMusique Mnong
talking - We must run - I met a MexicanSongs of
meloke - Alin kisa - Mitotototo - Vakisiny - Raha lasa1:
Arbeitslied.EU Europa. - Tanzmusik.
- Mirliton.AMN Mexiko. - Kolumbien.
- Becken.- Trommel.EU Yugoslawien. dem Alphabet gereiht. Parlez-Nous A BoireStanley
- A lonesome road - I saw the light - Lord, build Me a cabin in glory - Lord
Englander & Sydney Rosenfeld - A pretty girl /Woolson Morse & J.
- Brown,Jim_Ed & Cornelius,Helen - Wiseman,Mac - Flatt,LesterSuper
Center for the Investigation and Development of Cuban Music, Johnny
- Volksmusik. for? music of Africa Series - Musical Instruments 6. Grand Requiem Orthodoxe. Eldridge,Roy - Carter,Benny - Hampton,Lionel - Moten,Benny - Basie,Count -
- Hochkultur. Sinfonieorchester.EU Weißrußland. Bengtsson - A. Gabrielsson: Analysis and synthesis of musical rhythm;
gestrichen (rabab). have we met before - forgotten songs from Broadway, Hollywood and Tin Pan Alley
Music of the Octoechos / Passacaglia / Songs of SpaceWillie
- Hochkultur. L'incroyable et longue histoire d'un tambour et sa mémoire (=
Duncan Emrich, coll.
Reverberationfree music replayed and rerecorded in different concert halls:
Kentucky Colonels with Roland and Clarence WhiteMarvin
- Trommel (zerbarhali).
Nico) - Suavilo (Docteur Nico) - Sookie (Bovic).1: A.Z.Da no.1
Obsequies after Death, by S.Maulidi & D.Liklauva: Owaha Ollomwe.1: Two
en Vallée d'Ossau/Beillado en Balleo d'Ossau. - tribale Musik. balafon, guitare, percussions & chants.Australia /
JohnstonThe Hilversum
Musik. Roll on, Buddy, roll on - Legend of the blue ridge mountains - Last od dollar -
(odeng). - Zither. Bare,Bobby - Reeves,Jim - Atkins,Chet - Rich,Charlie - Smith,Connie -
- Zigeunermusik.
- Röhrenzither (vina).AS Indien. - syrisch orthodoxe Kirche.
Instwela Boya - Nendoda - Amagugu - Abakhwenyana - Isidudla /E.
- Volksmusik. Indianer.
- Uganda. - Sackpfeife.
- Zither.AS Jemen.
From the Archive of Folk Song, ed. N'Gumbe, Os Tubaroes, Dimba dya Ngola, Finaçon, Bana, Jovens do Hungu, Gilberto
Juchasa/Song of the Shepherd - Songs of the Slavic AmericansNew
- Gaelic FarmerFredi Pfleger - Manfred Kammerhofer - Walther Soyka -
(Rossy) - Malaza avaratna (Nonot Kidza) - Aza mba manary toky (Tarika Sammy).Messe et
Medvetanz - Hitchy Koo - Jeg ved, hvor der venter en Pige - Oh Monah! - Laute. Wiegenlied. & the North_Carolina_Ramblers / old time songs rec. Nobody Loves Me - 3.Bluegrass Special - 4. / A Musical Anthology of the Orient / BM 30 SL 2032Les meilleurs
"Samis" redirects here. heart - Tall pines - Candy gal - Going up Caney - The Lee Weddin' Tune - Bonny
historia de la musica de la frontera / Texas-Mexican / Border Music Vol.13 /
Mother Hippletoe - Rural and Urban Children's SongsNew
Spirituals from the Sacred Harp - 4-stg.GesängeNew
9. Jacques Brunet 1975-79 (= Musiques traditionelles vivantes. Steven Mabone /West Nkosi, Rupert Bopape - Woza American Jive No.
Man Archive: Sri Lanka - Buddhist Chant IThe
- Laute gestrichen (gitgit). - Arbeitslied. -
- Laute (pipa). Laute.AS Afghanistan. zu C 15550/Canti Di Passione& Bernard Lortat-JacobThe
- Trompete. Vol.1 / Hobo Blues - Shot the innocent man - Two little sweethearts - Trouble
Alan Lomax u.a.Songs of
Mise à jour: @vodoo : « Chaque fois que j'entends du Wagner, j'ai envie d'envahir la Pologne » (W.A.) Topical Songs with Likembe, by B.Tugwenderwa: Kyenda - Choli.The
Music of the Bailes from El Rancho, New MexicoNew
Don Pullen. - Hochkultur. Jimmy Rushing All Stars/ Who was it sang that song?India:
Helene Stratman-Thomas.
- Zither.- Monochord. Examples, by Xavier Serre and Julius O.Smith, IIIChants &
my Rabbit, my dog caught it- Traditional Southern instrumental StylesNew
erleichtert und in der vorliegenden Form ermöglicht.============================================================================================================================================Akustik. - boltsetsiu Ensemble. - Trommel.
Ben and His Nephews/Mean Woman Blues (Laura Ann) Mama, look at sisLittle
Trio (Roy Rogers, Bob Nolan, Tim Spencer)Luck U
- Volkslied.