G28 X : works perfectly G28 Y : works perfectly G28 XY : does not work I also have a CoreXY printer and am homing X and Y independently. I got the same problem since I updated Marlin about a week ago. If I push the shaft, the connected LED of the DIAG1 does not change, it remains off.Attached are also my Marlin Configuration and Configuration_adv files bugfix_2.0.x.The example uses direct register manipulation. I just added a pin to DIAG1 (which is the pad closest to the potentiometer).Everything works great, Stealthchop, SpreadCycle, Interpolation .. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our I'm in a dilemma for setting up the sensorless homing with the TMC2130 drivers, with Ramps 1.4 and Arduino Mega. i.e.
The output does not change when I put load on the motors.I bought my TMC2130 from Watterott which I assume to be a reliable distributor, not selling cheap Chinese clones (or at least somehow denote it).The example assumes X axis is used on a ATMega2560 and RAMPS1.4.Where do I need to change the PORTF and the pin position? But the sensorless homing I can not activate at all!I tested it with Marlin versions 1.1.8, bugfix-1.1.x and bugfix-2.0.x. * This will let you control at which load the value will read 0 * and the stall flag will be triggered. i have exactly the same problem and dont know what to doThis issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. So you should test values like 1, 0 or even -10 or so.I've tried to tune up rising from 0 to +63 and from 0 to -64. Hello, my … 0,0 is on left bottom of the Buildplate, as usual. Specs: SKR1.3, TMC2130 Sensorless Homing, Marlin, Ender 3. * You can finetune the reading by changing the STALL_VALUE. I tested it with Marlin versions 1.1.8, bugfix-1.1.x and bugfix-2.0.x. The examples also don't work. They are already standard for use with SPI.whats the result ?
I can get the sensitivity values perfect by homing each of …
Also I noticed that you said it would go the wrong way with negative values, that to me points to an issue where if you use the diag pins to the endstops but don’t declare sensorless homing in the firmware it will sometimes do that on homing moves. Just sayin', because, unfortunately, I couldn't find a solution either.
So I had in mind for some time to prepare a guide to configure Marlin 2.x with SKR v1.4 / SKR v1.4 Turbo electronics + TMC2209 Sensorless drivers. But when I home the axis, they move to the right/front insted of left/back. Without touching anything else on the firmware configuration, only the sensitivity of the sensorless homing. How can this be possible?That's interesting... From my own experience with the latest bugfix versions of Marlin and Tmc2130 I would try your config first with the proven 1.1.8 version. I bought these from china already in the SPI-enabled version in the hope of being easy to configure the sensorless homing.I already used a TMC2130 before I bought it without being SPI and had to make the modifications to make it work with SPI (I followed the tips of topics here).They already have the CFG4 and CFG5 with a small resistor, without the SPI resistor and already with the SPI pins welded up. Everything works great, Stealthchop, SpreadCycle, Interpolation .. I can also change the sensitivity.For info, I'm using an Arduino mega 2560 with a ramps 1.5.The value is not reflected in the M112 command nor the initial echo out when i connect to the board.My plan was to issue a command in the adv_config with this command :I'll have to try later on this week when I have time.Sorry about the code not parsing, I don't know why it only worked on the last section.Sorry for the delay, but I tested the example sketch with the X-axis.You commented about my engines needing a positive signal .. My engines are simple Nema17, worked with the A4988 and worked first with the TMC2130 except for Sensorless Homing.For Marlin, I have not been able to make it work either. Steppers work fine under Marlin, direction and all.
Make sure you have sensorless_homing defined not just the values for the sensitivity.I could not make the example work properly. :)Not that hard, don't get desperate. Issue was not solved and the topic is closed ! Before sensorless homing worked perfectly.
My M122 comes out as follows: By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. But either no luck.One strange thing I noticed in the bugfix-1.1.x branch is that the direction of rotation of the motor is changed if I use negative value. X, Y axis move fine (to right and back when adding +10 on the axis).Thanks in advance, I tried everything the last 2 days.No configs linked but as a shot in the dark, in Configuration.h, do you have this:If those are correct, then can you clarify what you're expecting? I tried again by Marlin 1.1.8 this weekend, then the Marlin bugfix-1.1.x and now again the Marlin bugfix-2.0.x ...I'm about to change my set for a MKS Rumba + .. I'm not sure whether you're explaining using "nozzle-relative" or "bed relative" coordinate systems. But the sensorless homing I can not activate at all! Hi. if I hold the spindle the diag pin goes high and the serial out gives me the same results. In this video, I show you how to configure Marlin 2.0 for the SKR 1.3 mainboard with TMC2209 stepper drivers and sensorless homing. And it definitely has to do with sh as the only axis that will move for me is the one that doesn’t use sh, my z axis. Please open a new issue for related bugs.Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.