Although Meganium is outclassed by Venusaur in most areas, it does have a few things going for it, namely its greater physical bulk, useful Ground-type resistance, dual screens, and Aromatherapy. The best UU set for Nidoking. A fairly balanced stat spread and decent support movepool make it a versatile Pokemon that can be catered to fit your team's needs. It can Double Kick for stuff like Substitute Aggron, but it's not that useful.It can use Return to hit Gligar harder than any of your other moves.. EVs. Meganium is your basic bread-and-butter Grass-type Pokemon with nothing too out of the ordinary.
Seine Fühler sind ebenfalls von gelber Farbe.
Seine Fühler sind ebenfalls von gelber Farbe. Black White Black 2 White 2: Its breath has the fantastic ability to revive dead plants and flowers.
Among the plethora of Grass-types available in RU, Meganium truly doesn't have too much to offer over its competition.
Sadly, its movepool is shallow, and it has less Special Attack, a lack of secondary STAB, and no access to Sleep Powder. This, along with its status as one of the mere handful of Pokemon that has these moves, much less can afford to run them, grants Bayleef a unique niche in NU. ( Overview. Menschen, die neben einem Meganie stehen durften, gaben bekannt, dass sie sich während der puren Anwesenheit des Pokémon viel entspannter und ruhiger fühlten, was den vorherigen Fakt bestätigt. You might also try Lanturn and Ampharos, as Electabuzz is unable to really put a big dent into them, due to their resistance to most of Electabuzz's moves, and high Special Defense stats.
Leaf Green MEGANIUM’s breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. Meganie stellt die letzte Stufe einer dreistufigen Entwicklungsreihe dar. It also faces competition as an offensive Grass-type from Leafeon and Sawsbuck, limiting Meganium to a support role. Other Options. Somit lässt es nicht nur Aggressionen schwinden, sondern die ganze Energie und Motivation für einen Kampf. Meganium and Vileplume could put up a fight, despite being weak to one of its moves. X: The aroma that rises from its petals contains a substance that calms aggressive feelings. Meganium is very durable and won't mind the accuracy drop as much as fragile Sleepers like Persian would. Auch das auffallende Blatt auf dem Kopf seiner Vorentwicklungen wird nun durch zwei gelbe Fühler ersetzt. Der Großteil seines Körpers ist grün gefärbt.
Unlike the many other Grass-types that Meganium faces stiff competition from, such as Use whatever screen your team needs more, and if it can stay in and absorb an easy hit, Leech Seed the opponent to make switching in a teammate easier. Attack and Speed, only. One of the greatest threats to Nidoking is Gligar, and Ice Beam takes care of him.Shadow Ball takes care of Misdreavus, Megahorn beats Grass and Psychic Pokemon, and Earthquake gets STAB.The absence of Thunderbolt allows for a better EV distribution; Water Pokemon for the most part will take more damage from STAB Earthquake than non-STAB Thunderbolt.
Grass Whistle is a poor man's Sleep Powder, and again it could hit once.
Der Großteil seines Körpers ist grün gefärbt. Meganium is one of the best BL Pokemon with its great defenses and support movepool. Seine Blüte ist rosa, sie besitzt gelbe Muster und einen weißen Rand.
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It can make them healthy again. haben oder hatten dieses Pokémon in ihrem Team: Gligar is the best counter, thanks to its high Defense, Flying STAB, and Hitmonlee's low Defense.
This set is a variation to the one above, but has a more specific idea behind it. In dieser Entwicklungsstufe ist der Hals am längsten, doch die Beine haben ihre Länge mit zunehmender Entwicklungsstufe nur wenig verändert. Meganie ist ein vierbeiniges, mittelgroßes Pokémon, das in grüner, gelb, rosa und weiß auftritt. Das gibt Meganie ein sehr reifes Aussehen. It can make them healthy again. Meganium's breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. It can make them healthy again.
Das Die riesige Blüte, die den Hals von Meganie ziert, verströmt ein Aroma, welches dafür sorgt, dass jene, die es riechen, ruhiger sind und Aggressionen abbauen. In battle, it gives off more of its becalming scent to blunt the foe's fighting spirit.