I can not find an entry in any logfile (install.log; system.log; * log).Hi. You will want to follow the troubleshooting instructions from I am having the same problem. 10 months ago Of course I had installed the Arduino IDE (apt-get install arduino) but was not able to program the Arduino nano. 1 year ago Sometimes it’s even not there at all.
I know Sierra is still beta but can NOT get serial to work at all – tried just about ANY driver under the sun – including from this blog. Oops you can't copy paste that you'll have to write it down...lol
This happens at all baud rates from 300 to 230400bps. Pay for drivers. ?I hate to admit that I was so stupid but I also used a power only USB cable!
I did the csrutil thing and just can´t make this thing work. I can’t seem to turn it on via the power button, and the charger LED remains off. At least it does not for me and a friend of mine. Enjoy!Basically, let me put it this way. Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, das MACs immer zu Hippstergeräten verkommen. I now want to share my experience for future buyers so you can get it working a lot faster. THANKS Wenn du diese Website ohne Änderung der Cookie-Einstellungen verwendest oder auf "Akzeptieren" klickst, erklärst du sich damit einverstanden.Signierter Mac OS Treiber für Winchiphead CH340 Seriell Wandler
This works for me on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 with a Wemos / LOLIN D1 mini pro v2.0.0 with winchiphead 340c chipset.
How can I revert that?
System Report…Hardware…USB shows a USB 3.0 bus, withIt does appear that SOMEthing has happened, though, for under Software…Extensions there is something called „usbserial“ for which it saysAny thoughts? I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro to Mojave. My Mac won’t turn on, the led on the charger won’t either. 1 year ago 2 years ago
(You've probably got your answer by now - I'm just putting this here for posterity) 2 years ago It’s called com.wch.usbserial.pkg.Everybody only says that it is not working. I have downloaded the driver (windows 10) and not sure what comes next (?) I just received a signed driver by Winchiphead for their USB Serial bridge CH340. On a Windows box however, they all work flawlessly.Bottom line: At least on some mac hardware this chip is unusablei am using arduino nano n el capitan. I love micro controllers like arduino, they are my favorite interest. So I started again, setting the Arduino IDE platform tool menu "Tools" and "Board" to "Arduino Nano w/ATmega328" (in my case) and "Tools" "Serial port" to "/dev/ttyUSB1" (in my case). Are there simple instructions on how to best remove the driver package? I have a MB pro late 2010.deleting /Syetem/Library/Extentions/ch34xsigned.kext has stopped kernel panic and the new driver works well.Thank you so much. Thanks for the link! I also do geocaching, a worldwide treasure hunt game. 1 year ago Seems like the speed or flow control is something wrong. I’ve been trying for hours to get my clone working. I did so.
For me, being a mac user, I had a real hard time finding drivers etc for it. Disabled usbserial.kext, which stopped the panic, but lost com port to Wemos until this driver. I spent hours debugging problems with the paid driver from Where can I get some help on Serial port“ that goes missing from my Arduino IDE 1.6.12, each time I remove the USB connector from my Mac OS installed with Sierra.I tried it on my macbook pro mid 2010 (with USB 2 !!) As a linux user (Ubuntu / Linux Mint 17) I had difficulties with the cheap Nano with the CH340G chip getting it to work properly - the upload of any code didn't work at all. It was not at all necessary to install drivers or make them on the Linux machines - but I did install them for the Mac. Write the following (just copy from here): sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1" Do not ess up here.