So after the flash just a quick unplug and plugin of USB port into the pc?I’m not sure which firmware version you have tried, maybe try a different one. Nous allons avoir besoin de repérer les petits trous laissés par SONOFF pour le hacker. Arjan. MINI can be installed inside the switch to … I was curious about the stability of the devices and didn’t expect that such a device was working properly, even without rebooting (for now).May I have to know how can I set the sonoff default power on when AC power connect? You can publish ofcourse the state of the Sonoff back to the HA system, well lots of options, but I don’t use it.4) In another post, I replied to a similair question, but this was related to the relay on system boot:I’ve checked all my 4 devices, but I don’t use any other rules currently. The device appears to be based on an ESP8266 microcontroller and we know what to do with it.– Sonoff Basic WiFi Switch; approx.
Most information on rules (=local logic on ESP without controller) can be found in the tutorials. La méthode a un peu évolué depuis C’est bon vous pouvez relâcher. It should be possible in the “Rules” section of the Espeasy software to set a http call, see: There is no information there… it’s just spam for a webshop. It is free and add free.Hi Rutg3r, i flashed the basic v2 basic with the latest firmware with the normal procedure. Technically, ESPEasy is the oldest alternative firmware out there. Even I don’t use the “SwitchSonoff” rule, because In my setup I’m not sure what the actual state is of the device. Now connect the pins as shown in the table opposite.To connect the pins reliably, you have to solder a header on the holes in the circuit board of the Sonoff Basic WiFi switch.Save your changes, press (and hold) the button on the Sonoff PCB and press the wires on the PCB. Be sure the wire connected with S1 or S2 is neither Live nor Neutral.The MINI turns itself on or off sometimes, how I can solve it?Find out the trigger source by going to the “Logs” in MINI setting of eWeLink APP.If the trigger source is from other eWeLink account, the MINI is triggered by the account that you shared with.If the trigger source is “scene”, please check if there is any smart scene settings or 3rd party application (like IFTTT) bound that triggers for the MINI.If the trigger source is “device”, please confirm that there is no Live wire or other electromagnetic interference around the wires that S1 and S2 connected with.1. The settings are saved now.To use tab “Rules”, we need to first activate this option.Go to tab “Tools” and scroll down to the setting “Rules” and select the checkbox as shown below:Click at the bottom of the page on “Submit”. Flasher votre SonOff. Il doit s’arrêter et démarrer sans arrêt. Thanks1Make sure to have following settings to flash correctly:You can also set your sonoff back to factory defaults using below settings on Config tab:can’ get it working no wifi after flahing, also arduino software is not helpingMake sure to have following settings to flash correctly:The button didn’t work i had to change button#state to button#switchIs it possible to use the pwm feature for the 230v output?
Live and Neutral wires are necessary to power MINI. Où est-ce la fonctionnement basique de chaque scénario?Si ça intéresse quelqu’un, j’ai pris 2 photos de comment transformer le sonoff en bouton poussoir piloté.Ça m’a permis de piloter le démarrage du pc, un diffuseur de parfum et un surmatelas chauffanthello, j’ai acheté un sonoff basic suite à vos différends tuto et il s’avère que je n’arrive pas à le flasher. Please advise, thanksI think you have the wrong image for the instructions on how to configure the push button.For the 3 Sonoffs I’ve currently in use, the physical button on the device itself are working fine and will switch the in/output without issues.Do you know if it’s possible to flash the sonoff module with a Teensy++2 ?Sorry, I don’t have any experience with a you have another Sonoff so you can test if your settings are correct? : esp easy v2.0 mega firmwareTnx for notifying!! Quel genre de déshumidificateur avez-vous utilisé ?Je voulais faire la même chose, mais avec une simple prise SP3.
Besides this, I never got a behaviour as you described, so I don’t have a cause nor solution for this.I’m having a similar problem, I believe.
Hi Rutg3r, i flashed the basic v2 basic with the latest firmware with the normal procedure. and they can control it directly on their own phonesModel: MINI Resetting the device to factory settings (by shorting RX and TX while powering up) solves the problem and it is possible to configure the device again.Hi Chris, This tuorial is created for older Sonoff versions, but I’ll purchase soon some new ones and I hope it will be done as flawless as the tutorial.nice tutorial!
Maintenant, on retourne dans Flash download tools, et nous le configurons comme sur cette image.Puis, nous lançons le flash en appuyant sur start. If flashing the firmware is not working, you have to switch the RX/TX wires, in my case the yellow and purple wires).Be sure the 4 wires are connected correctly between the 2 devices.While holding down the button on the Sonoff (long black pin next to led), connect the USB to your computer.Once it’s connected, you can release the Sonoff button. Finally I followed this advice ( 2. On va essayer de faire en sorte qu’il démarre qu’avec un certain taux d’humidité. Vous devriez obtenir ceciEnsuite, nous nous connectons sur le SSID émis par notre Sonoff (EspEasy_0) pour le configurer.Nous pouvons désormais y accéder par son IP. b) download custom FW Tahoma. At a break-out sign you look at the indications at the pins. Make sure your Wi-Fi network runs on 2.4GHz band. This bring the Sonoff in programming mode.Download the ESP easy firmware and flash tool on the following website: downloading the latest stable firmware version 120, the download included also the flash tool:The prompt, will ask 3 questions, which has to be entered, and confirmed with ENTER.Now the firmware flash procedure will start automatically.Uploading is started, and many dots will follow at the bottom of the screen:Finally, “flush is complete” and the command screen can be closed to press any key.The ESP easy firmware is now successfully flashed on the Sonoff.The Sonoff is now ready for configuring, via one of the following connections:The Sonoff will create it’s own wifi network.