It predominantly affects women.
Psychiatrically, latah is similar to the dissociative phenomena.Similar behaviours have been described in other cultures including Burma (This occurs in North America and affects the Native Americans of the Cree, Ojibway and Salteaux tribes, who experience very severe winters and scarcity of food. Meyer and Culture-Bound Syndromes, Cultural Variations, and PsychopathologyHandbook of Multicultural Mental Health (Second Edition)Advances in Theoretical, Developmental, and Cross-Cultural Perspectives of PsychopathologyHandbook of Multicultural Mental Health (Second Edition)Berzoff, Flanagan, & Hertz, 2011; Draguns, 2006; Li, Jenkins, & Sundsmo, 2007; Marsella & Yamada, 2007; Mezzich & Fabrega, 2001Ferrari et al., 2013; Hopper, Harrison, Janca, & Sartorius, 2007; Kessler et al., 2007; Marques, Robinaugh, LeBlanc, & Hinton, 2011Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological PsychiatryScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Remedial action is taken by tying the penis with strings and getting help from relatives and friends. Similarly, in some Hispanic cultures, While these culture-specific conditions differ across the globe, the prevalence rates of many classic anxiety disorders are relatively similar. Koro: fear of genitalia retracting into abdomen leading ultimately to death. Possession states usually occur in the context of a ritual designed to encourage their induction and are transient. Characteristically, the sufferers show hypersensitivity to sudden fright or startle, echopraxia, echolalia, automatic responses to commands and dissociative behaviour. Koro, une ville et une commune dans le cercle de Koro et la région de Mopti au Mali. PubMed is a searchable database of medical literature and lists journal articles that discuss Koro.
Koro epidemics have been described in other cultures including Thailand (Koro-like states characterized by fear of the penis shrinking have been described in individuals from outside South-East Asia, but these patients do not show the other features of koro and have a history of psychiatric conditions including anxiety, depression and schizophrenia (This occurs in the Philippines and Malaysia and is confined to males who, after a real or imagined insult, brood for several days and then return in a blind fury during which they attempt to kill everyone encountered. You can help advance
Get the latest public health information from CDC: These resources provide more information about this condition or associated symptoms. Click on the link to view information on this topic. Click on the link to view a … You can help advance 165 - N° 3 - p. 147-153 - Le syndrome de Koro - EM|consulte The predominant complaint is of fatigue and it occurs mostly in male students in response to the stress of schooling.Dhat: it is seen in India where a number of ailments are attributed to semen loss.
Medical Anthropology: Culture Specific Diseases. This results in a panic as the person also believes that once the penis has completely retracted he will die. The sufferer then construes the repugnance for food as evidence that he or she is turning into a wendigo, which is a cannibalistic ice spirit of giant size (These occur widely across a number of traditional societies and usually affect women who assert that they are possessed by a spirit, which may be a god or a demon. En Asie du Sud-Est, le koro donne lieu à de véritables épidémies collectives qui sévissent de manière périodique en Thaïlande, en Indonésie ou encore à Singapour. Initially, sufferers experience a distaste for food, and if this fails to subside, anxiety develops, which rapidly reaches a climax.