These vocals were recorded by Les Enfoirés, and released 12 years ago on Saturday 8th of March 2008.
Les Enfoirés (French for "The Tossers"), is the name given to the singers and performers in the yearly charity concert for the Restaurants du Cœur (Les Restos du Cœur).
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L'amitié - Les Enfoirés - Custom Backing Track MP3.
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Les paroles de la chanson I Want Know What Love Is de Les Enfoirés
On January…
The acapella for L'amitié - Radio Version is in the key of C Major, has a tempo of 108 bpm, and is 3 minutes and 32 seconds long.
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In the same key as the original: C # French Pop Music # 2000's # 2008.
Play the karaoke of L'amitié.
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