In all cases, the owner, administrator or manager is required to co-operate with the bailiff, such as by providing access to an appropriate place.Alternatively, the notice may be sent by a technological means.Notification by mail is made by sending the document to the addressee’s last known residential address; if the place of residence is unknown, the document may be sent to the addressee’s known place of work. If the application is for the probate of a will and the notary is in possession of the original of the will, the notary attaches it to the minutes.If it considers it expedient, the court may ask the notary to gather all the evidence necessary for the furtherance of the matter, setting a time limit within which the notary is to report back to the court so that it can make its own assessment of the facts.If the person contesting discontinues their judicial application, the court refers the matter back to the notary for the continuation of the notarial operations.On completing the notarial operations, the notary draws up minutes and conclusions.The minutes must identify the applicant, the person concerned, the persons to whom the application was notified, those who attended the meeting of relatives, persons connected by marriage or civil union, or friends or the conference, if one was held, and those who made representations otherwise. Failing agreement with the other parties, the person may ask the court to set those terms and amend the case protocol accordingly.If a party fails to co-operate in establishing a case protocol, the other party files a proposal within the time limit for filing. If the parties fail to agree on any of those points, the matter is decided by the court.A joint expert can require that the expert fee and disbursements be deposited at the court office before submission of the report. Some features of WorldCat will not be available. It may also be made by delivering the document personally to such an officer, director or agent, wherever that person may be.Notification of a document to a general or limited partnership or an association or any other group not endowed with juridical personality is made at its business establishment or office by leaving the document in the care of a person who appears to be in a position to give it to the addressee. Anyone may attend court hearings wherever they are held, and have access to court records and entries in the registers of the courts.An exception to this principle applies if the law provides for in camera proceedings or restricts access to the court records or to certain documents filed in a court record.Exceptions to the principle of open proceedings set out in this chapter apply despite section 23 of the Charter of human rights and freedoms (The court may make an exception to the principle of open proceedings if, in its opinion, public order, in particular the preservation of the dignity of the persons involved or the protection of substantial and legitimate interests, requires that the hearing be held in camera, that access to a document or the disclosure or circulation of information or documents specified by the court be prohibited or restricted, or that the anonymity of the persons involved be protected.Lawyers, notaries, their articling students, and journalists who show proof of their status may attend a hearing held in camera; if the hearing concerns a person’s personal integrity or capacity, anyone the court considers capable of assisting or reassuring the person may also attend. In the latter case, they must file a notice of settlement with the court office without delay.A pre-trial examination, whether written or oral, may bear on any fact that is relevant to the dispute and on the evidence supporting such facts; it may also be for documentary disclosure purposes. In the latter case, the application is also notified to the Minister of Health and Social Services. The same applies to administrators of the property of others as regards their administration, and to mandataries as regards the fulfillment of a protection mandate.Whether in a contentious or non-contentious proceeding, the court, even on its own initiative, may order representation if the court considers it necessary to safeguard the rights and interests of a minor or those of a person of full age not represented by a tutor, a curator or a mandatary and considered incapable by the court.Two or more persons who have a common interest in a dispute may mandate one of them to act in a proceeding on their behalf. The court issues the same orders if it agrees to homologate the report.The judgment is, for all, declaratory as regards the boundary lines of the immovables and ownership rights, and the registration of the minutes of the boundary marking operations constitutes proof of the execution of the judgment.If, in the course of the proceeding, an owner transfers their rights in the immovable that is the subject of the boundary determination, the transferee may be compelled to continue the proceeding.If a boundary determination might affect immovables that are not adjoining to the plaintiff’s immovable, the court, even on its own initiative, may order the owners of the non-adjoining immovables to intervene in the matter. The special case management judge is responsible for deciding all incidental applications, convening a case management conference and a pre-trial conference if warranted, and issuing such orders as are appropriate, unless another judge is temporarily assigned because the special case management judge is unable to act. The court may direct the person who has custody of the original to deliver it to the court office, which must in return provide a certified copy, at the contesting party’s expense. (Amendment integrated into the Civil Code, a. No compensation is paid to those called to a meeting of relatives, persons connected by marriage or civil union, or friends.Non-contentious applications relating to tutorship to a minor, except those relating to suppletive tutorship, and, to the protective supervision of a person of full age including applications for the appointment or replacement of a tutor or curator, to a tutorship council or to a protection mandate may be presented before a notary according to the procedure set out in this Title.