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She was born in the rua Martim Vaz (Martim Vaz Street), fre…
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En cliquant sur le bouton "Chansons suivantes", explorez la suite du répertoire de Amália Rodrigues composé de 489 chansons à écouter gratuitement et en illimité.
Born in Lisbon, Portugal, official documents have her date of birth as the 23rd July, but Rodrigues always said her birthday was the 1st July 1920. Get track Sa sœur cadette, Celeste Rodrigues, est également une chanteuse de fado.
Amália da Piedade Rebordão Rodrigues (1920–1999) was a Portuguese singer and actress.
Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the She was born in the rua Martim Vaz (Martim Vaz Street), freguesia of Pena, Lisbon.
Amália da Piedade Rebordão Rodrigues (1920–1999) was a Portuguese …
Nous avons sélectionnés pour vous les 50 meilleures chansons de Amália Rodrigues à écouter gratuitement.