The first argument is the number of columns, and the second is the number of rows.Here are some of the important functions to work with LCD:A guide on how to use the OSEPP LCD and keypad shield.In this tutorial, you will learn how to use and set up 2.4″ Touch LCD Shield for Arduino. Answer Do not changed digital pin 10. It consists of a 1602 white character blue backlight LCD. It includes 16X2 LCD display with 6 push Buttons, among which 5 are connected with A0 analog input through resistor to give different voltage for each buttons and saving on input/output pins. the range of resistance for the up button was set too low. for (int positionCounter = 0; positionCounter < 11; positionCounter++) { 2 years ago LCDs are divided into two generic types: Characters and Graphics.One of the most common, cheapest and simplest LCDs available is the character LCD. 2 years ago 1602 is the model number for the LCD module – and, there are a ton of 1602 LCD modules out there – here’s an example of the specification of the 1602 LCD module (archived from 2 years ago

2 years ago 2 years ago The LCD Keypad shield is developed for Arduino compatible boards, to provide a user-friendly interface that allows users to go through the menu, make selections etc. From basic commands to professional designs and technics are all explained here.This When you press a key, it returns a value to the A0 pin according to the internal resistive splitting circuit, which identifies the type of the key. I uninstalled the Arduino IDE and deleted all my files, installed the newest IDE and added all my files back to the correct directory. Just very frustrating to copy someone else's code - which works - and find I can't compile it or there are error messages. The 16X2 LCD Keypad Shield build for Arduino UNO, MEGA, Leonardo and other microcontrollers. And thanks for your help! Thank you again Thank you for the info. Then downloaded new libraries and made sure I put them in the right (Libraries) folder with proper names. The keypad consists of 5 keys — select, up, right, down and left. 2. It cost about 3$ and I have some “fun” with it for a whole week. I fixed it in the DFR_LCD_Keypad.h file.I downloaded your sketch but when I tried to compile it I got the following error messages:demo_simple:14: error: 'DFR_LCD_Keypad' does not name a typedemo_simple:30: error: 'keypad' was not declared in this scopedemo_simple:42: error: 'KEY_RIGHT' was not declared in this scopedemo_simple:46: error: 'KEY_UP' was not declared in this scopedemo_simple:50: error: 'KEY_DOWN' was not declared in this scopedemo_simple:54: error: 'KEY_LEFT' was not declared in this scopedemo_simple:58: error: 'KEY_SELECT' was not declared in this scopedemo_simple:62: error: 'KEY_NONE' was not declared in this scopeI am a newbee with Arduino but am trying to learn C++, but would appreciate any suggestions you might have to fix it. The keypad consists of 5 keys,select, up, right, down and left. Unfortunately, there’s a little more to it than jus… To convert your character to codes you can use online websites like Design your character, then copy the generated array to your code.const int pin_BL = 10; // arduino pin wired to LCD backlight circuit